Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Love MY Mom....

Salah satu muridku, hari ini menunjukkan uang sakunya, only 2000 rupiahs, not much money for him. but his statements surprised me...
He said that, he wanted to used only 1500 rupiahs to buy a kind of food he likes, n he would give the rest of it to his mother. "I'll give it back to her, I thought, 500 rupiahs it's enough for her."
when I heard his explanation, I wondered to know why he said like that, cos I know there is nothing to do with 500 rupiahs.We get nothing.
So I let him to tell, why he gave only 500 rupiahs."It's easy...mama cuma butuh 500 untuk kerikan, karena mama sering masuk angin, padahal cari uang coin di rumah itu susah lho.n aku bantu mama kerikin badannya lho, biar mama gak sakit" :)
Wow....!! gak pernah terpikir...anak sekecil itu memikirkan kesehatan mama, the one who he loves so much. He realizes that he can do nothing to keep his mom's health.
There are many ways to express one's love to the other.